About Us

At Hammock Haven we understand the frustration of trying to find affordable bedding options for small animals which is why we try to keep our pricing as low as possible. Whether this is by purchasing material on special, taking advantage of specials or finding the best prices by shopping around for fabrics, we spend time trying to get the pricing right for you, our customers.
We have a family ourselves, with children and animals that we love to spoil with new items at times.
We've made dog coats for our dogs, bedding for our cats to snuggle in and hammocks and Wee Zorbas for our rats (rescues and pets).
Unfortunately, as postage costs rise it gets increasingly more difficult to keep costs down when postage is needed. We do offer a pick up option but payment must be made first. We do try to absorb some of the postage costs to help you where possible. Items like Wee Zorbas that are made to order will attract a higher postage rate due to their weight and bulk that we simply can't absorb ourselves.